Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Well, it's that time of year again! We are getting ready for our Pony Cousins Stampede!

You'll probably hear plans being made for travel, camping, events and trash talking about who's gonna lose their crowns to who! LOL

At least this year, I feel I have a "fighting chance" to place somewhere decent because, thanks to Desert Rose, I get to ride Jesse! Typically, I would be renting a stable horse who is used to only doing their trail rides daily for the church camps etc....and then along comes me, who takes him in the arena and asks him to do poles, barrels, keyhole and such obstacle courses? RIGHT!!....they have "NO IDEA" and it's like reining an out of control frieght train around. I'm sure it looked worse....I never did very well....duh!! I have a bit higher hopes this year.
We gathered at cousin Eeee's and she hosted a very nice weekend for us to discuss details for the weekend, and we did a little photo shoot in our western gear. That was fun. Thought I'd share one of mine with you here.

We are blessed to have Pony Girl in our group who is a MAGICAL WHIZ with a camera! She took the above shot with my little point and shoot. I've never had a shot turn out as good before OR since...
She found a setting on it called "Beauty shot" It does something nice to the skin (like takes 10 years off it! like airbrushing...) so now, I shoot EVERYONE on that setting, but, it just doesn't look quite the same....I know, she's very talented.

And then here's a group shot of us, but unfortunately, Desert Rose couldn't join us that weekend. We have: (Me, Cat Ballou, Cowgirljlynn, Ezrider, DustyDevoe, and SaddleMt.Rider.)

Our darlin Pony cousins: (Some couldn't make it) These beauties don't "need" a beauty shot setting....
(She who rides in Full Moon, Princess Sassy Pants, Queen of Hearts, and Pony girl)

We went to lunch at a great Mexican restaurant where Loveleigh Treasures joined us! Loved seeing her!

AND, this is acutally the FIRST night, when we had just arrived. You can tell we are all a bit tired from traveling and rushing to get there from where ever we came from, but we were excited to come together and toasted our evening with Lemon Drops!

We are looking forward to another Reunion of the PONY COUSINS STILTNER STAMPEDE!!


  1. Looks like you all had a wonderful time without me! Unfortunately I was one of those that couldn't make it! Darn jobs! LOL!

  2. Ya...I hate my job too!!! Jesse sure loves his "Auntie Baby Doll"!!! You better wear a panty liner...cause Jesse loves to "BRING IT HOME"!!!



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