Friday, August 20, 2010

Cousins Stampede is over!...

Just a preview of some of the "basics" on our long, HOT, weekend....

Wow, What a week! I absolutely love getting together with the Pony Cousins. We never have a gathering where there isn't an abundance of love, a lot of laughing, pranking and silliness, a touch of drama, a bunch of bonding and tons of support for each other as women, mothers, daughters and horseriders.

This is the farmhouse that we spent most of our evenings in front of.....We sat under that tree in the yard and napped in the shade after long rides and hot days in the arena. We loved the new work Penny had done on the patio!

I made sure to treat the girls to my White Chocolate/Cherry Scones this year....but this year, I added some made with Apricot too.

It's just my opinion, but I think they preferred the Cherry ones.

This was our first ride, down to the river. Yeah! We finally made it....It's quite the trek to find this river! Several times we'v gone searching for it and never found it. But this day we were successful!

The Desert Rose and I doing photo opps.

The weather was beautiful, and we had beautiful scenery of meadow and pines.

Some parts were awfully dusty....

The next night, when all the girls arrived, we had our Martini Night, and Cowgirl BBQ. Everyone dressed up, and we mixed Lemon Drops!

Cousin Eeeee did a fantastic job of cooking up the burgers...Yum!

This helped add to the fun for the "Initiation" for our "newest" Pony Cousin. What a fun and silly night that was!!

"She who rides in full moon" showed our new initiationee what our "special" names are all about.....

We took time out for some mother/daughter photos....

We also handed out "The Shirt" to the cousin who got caught breaking a "Pinky Swear!" Her punishment was she had to wear "the shirt...." LOL But, as the night went was discoverd that a couple other cousins had some "loose lips" over the year as well! (Notice who has "the shirt" on in the photo above???)

Here's Justin, the Ranch Cowboy and son of the owner....We ended up "adopting" Justin as an honorary Pony Cousin by the time week was over.....(More on that later!) He bacame "very" helpful when he saw all these young lovely's in our group. So much so...that he even donned a Pink shirt to ride on the pink (cancer) ride with our girls.

FINALLY! After 3 years of trying, we got a group shot!

And here is me with my winning horse "Jesse" (Borrowed from Desert Rose.) He's my buddy that brought me through my "Pacific Crest Trail Overnight Adventure" last winter too. Notice how his red/torquoise bridal and blanket matches my outfit??? He thought we were quite sharp!

I know you're all wondering how we did in the Rodeo, since I had such high hopes.

WELLLLL.......You can call me PRINCESS BETSY now! Yippee! Yes, this handsome devil really came through for me! We placed 3rd in Key hole, 1st in Pole Bending (for most improved score) and most improved overall got me 1st Rodeo Princess! It feels so good to have all my hard work finally pay off in such a way. I know there is still sooo much room for improvement, but my skills are picking up! I intend to keep working hard this winter on improving them and hopefully they won't slip. I know I'm gonna miss my Barrel Racing buddy/trainer Jamie, though! I sure hope she will come down to Palm Desert and visit me! Jamie? Are you reading this??? :-)

We had the best year ever...and I will be posting more in detail when things settle down for me. But, I wanted to share some highlights with you!


  1. That looks like a lot of fun! Love the pic of you and your borrowed horse - what a nice couple you make!

  2. Congrats Princess Betsy!! You deserve it! I am so happy for you.
    This was the best Stampede for me, not sure why, but I think it was more relaxing and not having so many scheduled things to do. That's the whole point of getting together, relaxing, enjoying our time together as family (horse and human) and getting crazy all in a few days!

  3. I love the title of your blog! I wish I could refer to myself as the "she who rides many ponies" !! :)

  4. You deserve your new crown and "princess" title...Jesse would be embarrassed at anything else!!!



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