Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Betsy's Birthday Bash Giveaway!...

Betsy's Birthday Bash Giveaway
Closes March 6th!

It's time too....
Comment!    Comment!    Comment! 

Pillow                                                                            Magnetic backed Notebook   


                                                            Glass Oil Bottle

 All you have to do is:

1. Comment to me what item you like best.

2.Post a notice on your blog about my Birthday Bash Giveaway with a link back to my blog.

3. Become a follower of mine

4. Everytime you make a separate mention on your blog regarding my giveaway, send me an email to receive ANOTHER entry into the drawing!
*Be sure to include your email so I can communicate with you if needed!

Winners will be drawn March 6th, after my birthday, as my hubby is taking me to Palm Desert to have dinner with our wonderful family up there, and ride with Desert Rose and Bossman on my birthday Yeah!  (Maybe he wants to give me another chance to get lost???)  and I will do the drawing when I get back.  Whoo! Hoo!  Let's hope I come back to many potential winners!


  1. Hi Cousin! I had no idea about the thingy in your head...explains a lot! And not just in the "no wonder you're crazy" way - I mean on your whole outlook on life. Isn't it sad that it takes something like that to make you wake up and smell the roses? I hope I can just learn from my cousins and not have to have a life-shattering event to get me grounded.

    I LOVE the oil bottle, but I really like the notepad as well. Sweet giveaway - consider this my official entry! I think you already have my email... :)

  2. Great post Cousin B! I always wondered about the effects of having a major health issue/scare would have on one's life. I would never wish it upon someone, but I think you are an amazing person and I love how you are such a "go for it" person, and really want to try new things and experiences!!
    What a fun contest! I love the pillow especially! And your cakes look amazing (and taste even better.....)

  3. Wow, Bronco, I had no idea. You have amazing courage and strength and I'm not even thinking about the overnight trail ride! You are truly an inspiration. Thank you for sharing this part of your life with us.
    One of these days, we'll have to ride with you and DR, you seem to be in the desert quite often!
    My favorite is the oil bottle. I love it and would really put it to good use!

  4. What a great post sweetie! Yes, life is to short, and sometimes I think we don't realize it soon enough. I guess we are so busy with life, to enjoy the fun things. I have the exact oil bottle. So I want the pillow!!! Hugs!

  5. I knew some of the story, but not all of it. Thank you for sharing with us, it helps ME to know you better! I've got your giveaway link up for you and YES you got the Pink Saturday link working, you GO girl!

  6. What a great read,really opens ones eyes about our time here... Your cakes are fantastic you are sure one talented lass..

    Hope you find a very special friend to spend your time with, you will know as soon as you see him that hes the one for you...Ive been a horsey girl forever and could never be without them, I have a beautiful Appaloosa and a mini pony as his paddock companion, they are true friends..

    Love the horse now following your blog too

  7. Thank you for the sweet compliments everyone, and welcome Country Wishes and Gracies Mom, I hope you stick around and enjoy my blog!
    Ooooh, a mini pony as a paddock buddy? How cute...

  8. Hi Cousin-
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. The cakes are incredible. I would be so nervous transporting them. I showwed my daughterm who just LOVES horses. (You know the type, right?) your blog. She so understands. Have a nice weekend.

  9. It's so amazing reading other people's stories and fully understanding what they are saying, I retired at 55 and haven't looked back life is fuller and more satisfying than it's ever been.

    I respect anyone who goes back to school as an adult student and when I see the results of that study showing such wonderful talent like you have with your cakes...I applaude!!!

    You go and set the world ablaze kiddo! (I can call you that you're a lot younger than me Tee Hee) I hope you have the happiest birthday've earned it!
    Warmest hugs,
    Sandi @ Bearly Sane



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